Thursday, November 15, 2012

Can I transfer to Hogwarts?

      Like millions of people all around the world, I've read all of the Harry Potter books and seen all of the movies. But after awhile I forget how much I love Harry Potter...that is until one of the movies is on tv at 10 pm last night. I was tired, and of course I had already seen the movie before, but I couldn't say no. It has a way of just drawing you in. So I watched the movie. And during the movie I began to think about how great it would be to go to Hogwarts. If Hogwarts existed in real life, I most definitely would be transferring there at this very minute. But Hogwarts doesn't exist, and maybe for good reasons. Although I want to have two best friends that I go to banquets, balls, a lovable giant's hut in the forest, and crazy adventures with, that's probably never going to happen. Some people call the Harry Potter franchise a cult and don't get the hype, it really IS that good. I wouldn't consider myself a Harry Potter fanatic, but I still really enjoy it. There is something magical (no pun intended) about being able to open a book or put in a dvd and be transported into a world unlike anything you've ever experienced before. I have been lucky enough to go to the Harry Potter park in Orlando, and it was everything I could have imagined and more. I guess that closest I can come to living in this alternate reality at Hogwarts is to work at the park for my whole life handing out butter beer to little kids and double checking restraints on the Dragon Challenge. By the time I'm at retirement age, with my leathery skin from working in the sun all day and my questionable uniform, I may very well scare the kids more than Voldemort. But, I digress. Instead of hitting up staples at the end of August to get notebooks and maybe a cool new pencil pouch as the highlight of the trip, how awesome would it be to go into an alleyway that leads to a new place to buy an owl, potion books, and wands. I want to ride the train to school and get candy off of the trolly, not go on the crowded, smelly megabus stuck next to some stranger. And most of all, I really want to be friends with best friends. He can be my friend, protector, babysitter, I don't care, as long as I get to hang out with Dumbledore. Dumbledore is the coolest wizard that there has ever been, just saying. For now, I'll have to be content with my muggle status, but maybe someday I can take whatever the equivalent of the MCATS, LSTATS, or PCATS is, and become a certified wizard.

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